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Privacy policy

Find out all about our privacy policy and how we manage your data when you use our AAVA Vinon website.


Definition of cookies (source wikipedia) :
"In computer science, a cookie is defined by the communication protocol HTTP as being a continuation of information sent by a HTTP server to a HTTP customer, who returns during every interrogation of the same HTTP server under certain conditions".

More simply, a cookie is a small text file put down by the site on your computer to store information about you (for example language, posting of tools or not, your identifier and password of connection to the site when you ask us to remember you…).

Different types of cookies?

Functional cookies: These cookies allow the web site to remember choice which you could pay during your visit, to save you to have to repeat them during your next visiting.

Analytical cookies:
These cookies allow us to collect data relative to your use of the web site, including the contents which you click on by navigating the web site, to improve its performance and conception. These cookies can be supplied by our supplier of analytical tool of third party, but are used only in purposes connected to our web sites.

Cookies of targeting:
These cookies store information concerning your use of the web site so that we can provide you targeted information and in coherence with your expectations on our web site.

How to deactivate or delete cookies?

The procedure is different according to the browser you use:

Policy of confidentiality

The informations collected through our contact form on this site are recorded in a data file for the AAVA by OVH (in its quality of host) to insure the good running of the site :

At no time OVH can make any use of these personal data, only the AAVA can make use of it.

These data are stored in servers physically present in the European Union, They are kept during the duration of existence of the site

According to the law "computing and liberties ", you can exercise your right access in the data concerning you and make them rectified by contacting the AAVA via the page contact or via the following email address: contact(AT)

In no way data collected on the site can be given to third parties.

What use of your personal data ?

Personal data are protected in particular by the law N 78-87 of January 6th, 1978, the law N 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004, the article L. 226-13 of the Penal code, the European directive of October 24th, 1995 as well as by the General regulation on the Data protection (RGPD). To protect your personal data and to make a sensible use are priorities for the AAVA.

Find below the use which can be made with the data collected by the AAVA.

Within the framework of the contact form:
The site uses various contact forms, request of information and phone reminder. Within the framework of these forms, personal information can possibly be asked as the email address, name, first name, phone number, company, full address and further information on transfers or provisions. Data collected on these forms can be used to answer the demands made through this form, or to provide other possible services proposed by the AAVA. In no case these data will be made public or revealed in thirds.

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How to find us

Keep in touch

1, lieu dit l'Aérodrome
83560 - Vinon sur Verdon France
Tél : +33 4 92 78 82 90
Mob. : +33 6 95 55 29 78
Fax : +33 4 92 78 95 78
Email :
8h30 - 12h30 // 13h30 - 16h30

Cookies user preferences
We use cookies to ensure you to get the best experience on our website. If you decline the use of cookies, this website may not function as expected.
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