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Our permanent staff

Our permanent staff

Our association, with around 500 members, could not function with volunteers alone. That's why we have a team of permanent employees with all the skills and certifications you need to glide in the best possible conditions.

Roger EYRIER – Directeur de Structure

Structure Manager: Roger EYRIER

Roger EYRIER's mission is threefold.

Animation, with the aim of revitalizing the Association's activities: to run an efficient beginners' school, to run an advanced school in conjunction with the previous one, to ensure the AAVA's attractiveness to outside members, to organize events, training courses and competitions, to encourage initiation flights, discovery flights and, in general, the use of equipment, and to revitalize the practice of competition within our Association.

Linked to the previous one, an organizational aspect: Plan the annual activity in order to offer our members a development of their skills, while ensuring the availability of the necessary human resources & skills.

Finally, supervision of execution: Roger is responsible for maintaining discipline, compliance with regulations and procedures, respect for equipment and organization, and monitoring student pilots and their progress.

Roger EYRIER joins the AAVA with 35 years' professional experience in gliding, including 15 years as chief pilot at the Centre National de Vol à Voile in Saint Auban. Roger is also the son of our former President Alain EYRIER, whom some of you may have known.


Maintenance manager and gliding instructor: Stéphane EHRHARDT

Stéphane has been a member of AAVA for several years and joined us as an employee in 2015. His skills and remit are wide-ranging, as he holds a Part 66 mechanic's license and, as such, plays an active part in the maintenance of AAVA's aircraft and gliders. Stéphane is also a glider instructor and reinforces the teaching team during the good season, when the workshop is less busy.


Gliding instructor: Nicolas HENRY

Nicolas was recruited in 2022 to reinforce the training team. As such, his first mission is to provide start-up and campaign instruction under the responsibility of the Chief Pilot.

In the absence of the Chief Pilot, he is responsible for the association's flying activities.

During the season, our team is also reinforced by seasonal instructors and tugs.


Kelly Sacrez and Nathalie Peron are our two secretaries. They complement each other in reception and administrative roles, supporting the AAVA/Vinon office.


A secretary: Kelly SACREZ

Kelly Sacrez is our secretary. She'll be happy to answer all your questions with a smile.


A second secretary: Nathalie PERON

Nathalie offers a warm welcome throughout the season.

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How to find us

Keep in touch

1, lieu dit l'Aérodrome
83560 - Vinon sur Verdon France
Tél : +33 4 92 78 82 90
Mob. : +33 6 95 55 29 78
Fax : +33 4 92 78 95 78
Email :
8h30 - 12h30 // 13h30 - 16h30

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