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PACA Regional 2016

In a month's time, the PACA regional and the South-East interregional will be starting at our airfield. All the information has been updated on the competition soaring spot (the registration list will be updated this week).

Here is the list of entries as of June 1:

TESTA Alberto Seniors   Italie
PAVESI Ugo Seniors   Italie
RAFFIN Laetitia   Juniors Challes
MONNAHAN Olivier   Juniors Challes
MONNAHAN Rian Seniors   Challes
NATOWITZ Larry Seniors   Belgique
SERRET Andrea   Juniors Challes


As a reminder, here is the main information about this competition:

This year, the PACA/Rhône Alpes junior inter-regional (under 25s) and the PACA regional will take place at Vinon-sur-Verdon airfield in the Southern Alps.
will take place at Vinon-sur-Verdon airfield in the Southern Alps from 9 to 16 July 2016 (week 28).
The aim of this championship is to introduce the young and not-so-young to competition in complete safety and in a friendly and convivial atmosphere. Our instructors will be on hand throughout the competition to ensure that the youngsters can fly in complete safety.

The schedule for the championship is as follows:
- Training on 7 and 8 July 2016
- 1st briefing on Saturday 9 July 2016 at 10am
- 1st round on Saturday 9 July 2016
- Last race on Saturday 16 July 2016
- Prize-giving ceremony and closing evening on Saturday 16 July 2016 at 8pm

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1, lieu dit l'Aérodrome
83560 - Vinon sur Verdon France
Tél : +33 4 92 78 82 90
Mob. : +33 6 95 55 29 78
Fax : +33 4 92 78 95 78
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8h30 - 12h30 // 13h30 - 16h30

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