This year, it's the turn of the Duo Discus Echo-India to undergo regelcoating.
The work was very late when it began in November 2017: the workshop was unavailable due to the resurfacing of the slab, then the air compressor broke down, then the boiler broke down, in short, the whole thing!...
Fortunately, thanks to the availability and energy of two volunteers, Philippe Maige (a member of the club since the early 80s) and Birgit Weis, a new member of the AAVA, the backlog is gradually clearing and the first wing left the workshop on 18 January.
The second should follow in around ten days' time.
The fuselage will be started in February, followed by the VA work, with the firm intention of having the glider ready for the gliding season at the beginning of April.
This project will probably have required between 550 and 600 hours of work, but will have saved us a substantial amount of money...
If you feel like sanding, and have some time available next autumn, don't hesitate to contact Johnny, because the other Discus Duo, Delta-Romeo, will also need a facelift!