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Jacques Souquet

Jacques Souquet passed away on 3 February 2018.

Very close to the AAVA, where we saw him regularly, Jacques was an engaging companion, cultured and full of humour, but also hyper-specialised in aerodynamics, passionate about motor sport and aviation: he had built himself an aerobatic plane with which he took part in competitions.

Jacques had a brilliant technical career and was Technical Director at Bertin.

Jacques Souquet 0001Jacques Souquet 0002

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Tracking planeur


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1, lieu dit l'Aérodrome
83560 - Vinon sur Verdon France
Tél : +33 4 92 78 82 90
Mob. : +33 6 95 55 29 78
Fax : +33 4 92 78 95 78
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8h30 - 12h30 // 13h30 - 16h30